Well, half the year is now gone and I have done both so much and so little.The day after tomorrow it's Canada day! That means it's been a year since I moved to Quebec, wow, where has the time gone? My family and I are going to be having a small get together to celebrate. I will (obviously) be baking a cake and will be on decorating duty. Is there anything special you do for Canada day?This week I did my final Francisation exam and finished my ... Read the Post...
6 (Awesome) Reasons I LOVE sewing
Hey, hey, hey! This past week as I was thinking a thought passed through my head: Why do I love sewing? How did this come to be? And after thinking long and hard about it I wrote a list and it essentially helped write this post. I have been sewing since I was 14, but I have never been able to pinpoint why sewing has been a big part of my life. When I was a child my mom used to sew my clothes for me and our family but when she stopped (it ... Read the Post...
Crayola Makeup | Guest post by The Cami Way
*This is a repost of the post I wrote on The Cami Way, on June 5th. This is a guest post in a way.Hello! Wow, it's been quite a week! On Thursday and Friday, the temperature here was between 29℃-34℃, it was sweltering and, with the humidity, suffocating. Saturday and Sunday it went down but it was bearable and delightful, but on Monday it was 10℃ (!!!) and was raining. I honestly cannot understand the weather ... Read the Post...
It’s June!
We are halfway through the year, can you believe that? It feels like yesterday that I started this blog. Thank you for being with me on this journey. This past weekend I have finished sewing something that been on my to-do list for the last 6 months (!!).I had a dress I got about 1 1/2 years ago but never got to wear it because it was way, way too long.Last month I took the top apart from the bottom and cut about 3 inches off. I ... Read the Post...
Chocolaty Brownies | deliciously easy recipe
Last weekend it was a three day weekend and so I decided to use it both wisely (I joined Twitter!) and (unfortunately) unwisely. I read a novel, which felt like I hadn't read forever, I knitted and baked!! I had the munchies for chocolate and sugar for the last couple of days and so I took advantage of the time and decided to make my chocolaty brownies recipe. This recipe differs somewhat from others because it does have milk and it is not ... Read the Post...