Bonjour! Last November I went to a thrift store and found this super cute striped knit fabric. It was a great buy and I had no idea what to do with, but I had a dream I would use it. My parents recently were finishing the basement bedroom (where I sew) and so I had not been able to sew. but now that it was finished I can go back to sewing and planning. Before sewing: FYI, you can skip this part. This skirt took about 1 hour and 1/2 to ... Read the Post...
Maple Syrup Challenge | Girl Guide Meeting Outline
Bonjour, Hi! Last week in Brownies we did a special Quebec focused challenge: The Maple Syrup Challenge. The challenge is focused on learning how maple syrup comes from, the process and everything maple. We had a fun time we tried maple syrup and apple slices, learned who were the first people to find the sap and over all the girls enjoyed the meeting. The challenge consists of two options A or B. We chose A but did touch on option B. We ... Read the Post...
Ukrainian Honey Cake | Easy Spring Dessert
Hello March! So this week is Spring Break and so I will try to write more posts for the future. But before that, I have this great recipe to tell you all about. I can not believe its March! By jolly February went fast. Did you watch the Olympics? Anything exciting happened in February? Anyway, March means we're getting closer to S P R I N G. I found, tried and loved this recipe that I found, and changed it to my specifications (I took out ... Read the Post...
Pistachio Pudding Trifle | Easy Fun Dessert
So this past week my family was hit with the flu and oh my! I missed school, had a fever and *sigh* that was not fun. So after everyone got better I decided to 'celebrate' by making a cake. I had a set of mixes and ideas, things that I wanted to do but didn't know how. And then I came up with: Pistachio Pudding Trifle. This is a very straightforward recipe everything that is needed comes in a box. The cake mix, pudding, and even the whipping ... Read the Post...
A Carmen Miranda Style | The Cami Way
Hi, HiI have another blog called The Cami Way and there I post reviews (books, films, and products). There I wrote a post on a Brazilian actress, a singer who had a very unique and lovely style. I wrote on Carmen Miranda's shoes, dresses, headwear and more.Here is an excerpt:Carmen MirandaFor those that do not know, Carmen Miranda was a Portuguese-Brazilian actress and sambia dancer from the 1930s-1940s. Her style was the stereotypical dress ... Read the Post...